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January 24, 2023

RMU Offering Energy Audits to Residents and Small Business Owners

Rochelle Municipal Utilities is now offering Energy Audits to residents and small business owners looking to reduce home energy costs. The City Council approved an agreement with PanOptic Solutions to provide the audits and RMU will pay half of the cost.

“We’ve partnered with PanOptic to audit a number of our own facilities to improve energy consumption and are excited to now offer the service to our community,” said City Manager Jeff Fiegenschuh.

PanOptic Solutions has over ten years of experience in providing sustainability and reliability insights to industrial clients and is now offering services to residential customers.  The company looks for water leaks, insulation problems, appliance inefficiencies and maintenance issues, outside air leaks and potential ignition sources.  A full report will be provided after the audit.

RMU will cover half of the cost for home and small business energy audits.  The full price of a home audit is $150 and RMU will cover $75.  A small Business energy audit is $400 and RMU will pay $200.  Customers will pay PanOptic directly for their portion of the audit.  To schedule an audit, please call PanOptic at 877-668-6640.