
+ 001 0231 123 32



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Customer Service

Customer Service

The customer service staff serves over 7000 customers. The staff is responsible for billing and assisting customers with inquiries regarding electric, water, water reclamation and communication services.

The customer service staff are responsible for scheduling appointments for water and electric meter readings, processing statements and payments, setting up new accounts and answering inquiries via e-mail. As our customers' needs change, the RMU Customer Service staff will continue to provide quality, reliable service.


333 Lincoln Highway
Rochelle, IL 61068

Business Hours

Monday – Thursday

8:30 AM – 4:30 PM 



Contact Us

Telephone: 815-562-4155

To make a payment via phone: (855 )812-5182


Mailing Address

P. O Box 456
Rochelle, IL 61068